Thursday last week (27th january 2010) I hosted a "evening-event" at <a href="" target="_blank">ProData Consult</a> for their consultants, where I spoke about HTML5 & Browser extensions. My HTML5 talk was a short recap of the recent changes in the specification, the W3C logo, and a showcase of the semantic changes, new tags and attributes and the HTML5-related JavaScript API's.
The presentation was a bit of an experiment, because I was the first time I coded my presentation in HTML, JavaScript and CSS instead of using the regular tools such as PowerPoint or Keynote.
To "code" my presentation I used a small sinatra-based ruby app called <a href="" target="_blank">ShowOff</a>, which is using <a href="" target="_blank">markdown</a> for its templating.
The advantage of coding my slides is really obvious in my presentation where I show how the new form controls is being rendered, how HTML5 validation works, theres even an embedded google maps, canvas demo, pushHistory etc.
Normally I embed the presentation into the blog-post, using an embedded <a href="" target="_blank">SlideShare</a> presentation that is using flash, which allows resizing. But because I this time hardcoded the layout in HTML/CSS, then I'm not able to embed a resized version of my slides.
<figure class="slides"> <iframe src=""></iframe> </figure>
To see my slides (which is hosted on <a href="">Heroku</a>), just click the thumbnail below: